
Welcome to LetterCounter.xyz!

LetterCounter.xyz is your simple, free, and secure tool for counting letters. We’ve designed it with American writers in mind, making it easy to use and understand.

No more complicated tools or confusing features. Just paste your text, and our powerful tool instantly gives you the letter count you need. Your data is safe with us, so you can focus on your writing.

Whether you’re a professional author or a student, LetterCounter.xyz is here to help.

We’re always working to improve LetterCounter.xyz. Your feedback is valuable to us. Please share your thoughts and suggestions so we can make this tool even better.

Our team of experts has created LetterCounter.xyz. They’ve done extensive research to ensure it’s accurate and reliable. We’re also working on other projects to improve your writing experience.

We’re committed to keeping LetterCounter.xyz up-to-date with the latest trends and technology. We’ll continue to add new features and improvements to meet your needs.

Let’s count your letters together!

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